Freitag, 16. Dezember 2016

Thinking outside the box.

Thinking outside the box.

Anchorage, Alaska

Successful people come from all walks of life, yet they all have one thing in common: where others see impenetrable barriers, they see challenges to embrace and obstacles to overcome.

Their confidence in the face of hardship is driven by their ability to let go of the negativity that holds so many otherwise sensible people back.

    Obstacles do not block the path, they are the path.

This perspective helps successful people to think differently to everyone else, which is important, because if you think like everyone else, no matter how smart or experienced you are, you’ll hit the same ceiling. By thinking outside the box and going against the grain, successful people rise above their limitations.

And it all starts with their morning routines. Here's how ultra-successful people utilize the first hours of the day:

1. They drink lemon water.

Drinking lemon water as soon as you wake up spikes your energy levels physically and mentally. By improving nutrient absorption in your stomach, it gives you a steady, natural energy buzz that lasts the length of the day. You need to drink it first thing in the morning (on an empty stomach) to ensure full absorption. You should also wait 15-30 minutes after drinking it before eating (perfect time to squeeze in some exercise). Lemons are chock full of nutrients, such as potassium, vitamin C, and antioxidants. If you weigh less than 150 pounds, drink the juice of half a lemon (a full lemon if you’re over 150 pounds). Don’t drink the juice without water because it’s hard on your teeth.

2. They exercise.

Richard Branson, Tim Cook, and Disney’s Bob Iger all wake up well before 6:00 a.m. to get their bodies moving. While their ungodly wake-up hours and exercise routines may seem crazy, research supports the extra effort. A study conducted at the Eastern Ontario Research Institute found that people who exercised twice a week for 10 weeks felt more competent socially, academically, and athletically. A second study conducted by researchers at the University of Bristol found that people who exercised daily had more energy and a more positive outlook, which are both critical for getting things done. Getting your body moving for as little as 10 minutes releases GABA, a neurotransmitter that makes your brain feel soothed and keeps you in control of your impulses. Exercising first thing in the morning ensures that you’ll have the time for it, and it improves your self-control and energy levels over the course of the entire day.

3. They disconnect.

Howard Schultz starts his day with a motivational e-mail to his employees, after this, he disconnects and dedicates his time to exercise and family. When you wake up and dive straight into e-mails, texts, and Facebook, you are far more likely to lose focus, and your morning succumbs to the wants and needs of other people. It’s much healthier to take those precious first moments of the day to do something relaxing, which sets a calm, positive tone for your day.

 4. They eat a healthy breakfast.

Eating anything at all for breakfast puts you ahead of a lot of people. People who eat breakfast are less likely to be obese, they have more stable blood-sugar levels, and they tend to be less hungry over the course of the day. And these are just the statistics for people who eat any breakfast. When you eat a healthy breakfast, the doors to a productive day swing wide open. A healthy breakfast gives you energy, improves your short-term memory, and helps you to concentrate more intensely and for longer periods.

  5. They practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness meditation has become increasingly popular among highly successful people. Its growth in the business world is largely due to the huge dividends it pays in productivity and overall well-being. Research shows that mindfulness fights off stress by reversing the fight-or-flight response, improves your ability to focus, boosts creativity, and increases your emotional intelligence (EQ).

6. They set goals for the day.

Benjamin Franklin was obsessive about planning his days. Each morning, he would wake up at 4:00 a.m. and meticulously piece together a schedule. There’s a clear message to take from Franklin’s habit: prudent goal setting pays dividends. When you plan out your day as carefully as possible, your chances of successfully accomplishing your goals skyrocket. I like to set my daily goals after my mindfulness practice, because the added calm and clarity help me to set effective, specific goals.

7. They say no.

No is a powerful word, which will protect your precious mornings. When it’s time to say no, avoid phrases such as “I don’t think I can” or “I’m not certain.” Saying no to a new commitment honors your existing commitments, and your morning time is an important commitment. The more difficulty that you have saying no, the more likely you are to experience stress, burnout, and even depression.

Bringing It All Together

While the above strategies are tried and true, you should build upon them with other activities that work for you!

How do you like to spend your mornings?  Please share your thoughts in the comments, as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.

With Love Bernhard

My Recommend:
This 4 Percent Group teaches you exactly how to make money with a unique way


Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2016

10 Reasons Why You Should Date A Travel Lover

10 Reasons Why You Should Date A Travel Lover

Prague, Czech 2016

When youre looking for someone to date, there are so many things that you try to check off the list. The person must be honest, intelligent, understanding, funny, and hey, good looks dont hurt either. But have you ever tried dating a person who loves to travel? Now that criteria should definitely be a part of your checklist and we'll tell you why. Here are 10 reasons why you should date a person who travels.

1. They're Independent

Its simple: if you travel, especially by yourself, you’re an independent person. You make your own decisions and you don’t feel the need to rely on others. Such strong individuals are not just great to be around, they’re also great to be with.

Warzaw, Pooland 2016

2. They're Confident

When a person is not afraid of new experiences, people or cultures altogether, you know that theyll make great companions. Confidence is always a turn on.

3. They Like The Simple Things

Whether its a sunset, or the waves crashing onto the shore, or a bird twittering away happily, they will make you notice the smaller things. You will start to find beauty in simplicity. It will make your life more meaningful.

Prague, Czech 2016

 4. They're Spontaneous

You will never have a dearth of surprises with them. Whether its a sudden restaurant date, or a sudden trek in the Himalayas, they will always keep you on your toes, ready for action and whole lot of fun.

5. They're Smart And Well Spoken

You cannot be a traveller and not be smart. Whether its tips for packing quickly or knowing in-depth about the Incans, they will always surprise you with their knowledge. Coming across various cultures over their travels, they will also know how to talk to people and make friends.

Madrid, Spain 2016

 6. Your Relationship Will Be Free Of Drama

Travellers are mostly down-to-earth people who dont like hysterics. They will always tell you whats on their mind without mincing words and that will make your relationship an easy one to deal with.

7. They'll Never Bore You

Travellers are exciting people! They love experiencing new things and would want you to go on adventures with them. Theyll take you for the ride of your lifetime! Whether it works out or not, you will cherish the memories.

Warsaw, Poland 2016

8. They Won't Take You For Granted

Travellers whove seen a lot of the world never take their home or their loved ones for granted. If youre dating someone who travels, you will always be cherished.

9. They Know Who You Are And Will Help You Find Yourself

A person who travels knows their roots. They have learned so much about themselves during their journeys. If you’re confused about who you are and what youre meant to be, they will help you find your purpose.

Kos, Greece 2016

10. They'll Take You Travelling

If you dont like travelling, they will make you fall in love with it. You will see so many places and make so many memories together that youll start looking forward to trips together. If the relationship happens to break down, you will find yourself wanting to pack your bags and take the leap alone. And thats a great thing.

With Love Bernhard
 For my Travel & Lifestyle Opportunity follow the link TeamNoTrafficjam

Stavanger, Norway 2015

Montag, 12. Dezember 2016

Being a Entrepreneur

What I first learned as an entrepreneur.

I realized as kids we wanted to do things differently and apply a growth mindset to our decisions. This means being willing to learn, being happy to make mistakes, being eager to experiment.

As a entrepreneurs, we always been willing to fail – it’s the only way we learn. I have always been keen to take calculated risks, and live with the consequences. All too often, talented people have fixed mindsets and are unwilling or unable to make the necessary changes to improve. When that happens, ideas stagnate, businesses stop growing, people stop learning. 

Far too many people are taught to think with fixed mindsets: concentrating on exams, worrying about failing, wonderfully multi-shaped talents fretting about fitting into square holes. Big Change supports projects that enable people in the to develop a growth mindset, and concentrate on growing and improving in real life, not just in the classroom or office. This isn’t simple, or easy to get your head around.

Put simply: growth happens when you step out of your comfort zone to achieve bold ambitions, magic happens when you do it with others TOGETHER.

As Big Change put it: “A growth mindset is about a fundamental belief that you can grow, learn and change for the better – through failure and success alike. This mindset motivates you to try, to reflect, to get back up, to ask for help and to learn. Ultimately changed minds is what brings about a big change.”

Do you think you have a growth mindset? What could help you to grow even further?
Please feel welcome to comment below or inbox me.

With Love Bernhard.

My two Recommends:
This 4 Percent Group teaches you exactly how to make money with a unique way

For my Travel & Lifestyle Opportunity follow the link: TeamNoTrafficjam


“Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.” 

As an early riser, I am lucky enough to see more of my fair share of sunrises. Wherever I am in the world I always find them spectacular. There’s a reason for talking about sunrises other than an excuse to share these beautiful photos though.

It is then that the wise words of William Arthur Ward come to mind. "Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them." They are there for an instant, and then they are gone. There is no point waiting for an imaginary perfect time to seize an opportunity - you have to go for it when the chance presents itself.

The key is what you do with the opportunity once you see it. To finish off with some fine advice from the columnist Ann Landers: “Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognise them.”

Inspiration, talent, luck, resources, whatever you want to call it - there’s no substitute for hard work. If you like the content please feel welcome to comment or inbox me.

With 💞 Bernhard
For my "Travel & Lifestyle Opportunity" please follow the link: The New Way Of Travel

My book tip, I just read: "Black Box Thinking: Marginal Gains and the Secrets of High Performance" from Matthew Syed