Montag, 12. Dezember 2016

Being a Entrepreneur

What I first learned as an entrepreneur.

I realized as kids we wanted to do things differently and apply a growth mindset to our decisions. This means being willing to learn, being happy to make mistakes, being eager to experiment.

As a entrepreneurs, we always been willing to fail – it’s the only way we learn. I have always been keen to take calculated risks, and live with the consequences. All too often, talented people have fixed mindsets and are unwilling or unable to make the necessary changes to improve. When that happens, ideas stagnate, businesses stop growing, people stop learning. 

Far too many people are taught to think with fixed mindsets: concentrating on exams, worrying about failing, wonderfully multi-shaped talents fretting about fitting into square holes. Big Change supports projects that enable people in the to develop a growth mindset, and concentrate on growing and improving in real life, not just in the classroom or office. This isn’t simple, or easy to get your head around.

Put simply: growth happens when you step out of your comfort zone to achieve bold ambitions, magic happens when you do it with others TOGETHER.

As Big Change put it: “A growth mindset is about a fundamental belief that you can grow, learn and change for the better – through failure and success alike. This mindset motivates you to try, to reflect, to get back up, to ask for help and to learn. Ultimately changed minds is what brings about a big change.”

Do you think you have a growth mindset? What could help you to grow even further?
Please feel welcome to comment below or inbox me.

With Love Bernhard.

My two Recommends:
This 4 Percent Group teaches you exactly how to make money with a unique way

For my Travel & Lifestyle Opportunity follow the link: TeamNoTrafficjam

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